Notice requests and appeals

Make sure to include the reason of your dispute in the form and upload any evidence that supports your claim.

Customer Service Center


(877) 302-7275

To submit an appeal to a notice, please include a copy of the receipt for your parking that includes:

  • license plate of the vehicle on the receipt
  • parked location
  • the beginning date/time of the purchased session
  • the expiration date/time of the purchased session

Receipts are available from all online payment services and reservation platforms. Email or contact them for a copy of your receipt.

If you have a monthly parking pass or a permit, please include:

  • a copy of the receipt showing the time frame the permit is valid
  • the license plate of the vehicle approved for the permit.

Please do not submit multiple appeals for the same notice.

In your email, please provide your authorization to allow us to respond to you via email. Please also include your address, phone number and your parking notice number, if available. This information will help expedite a response. To improve our ability to quickly respond to your email please provide the requested information about your issue and proof of payment for parking. Due to laws and regulations, if PRRS is not able to properly identify you, we may not be able to provide an email response.